Canes Sale.

In fact, candy cane is
a cane-shaped hard candy stick associated with Christmas. It is traditionally white with red
stripes and flavored with peppermint; but is also made in a variety of other
flavors and colors.
This year SSC came up with a good idea of selling candy canes and delivering
them to students and teachers. The price of candy canes depends on the amount
of bought candies. For instance, delivering one candy cane costs 1 dollar, for
2 it is $1.50, and so on.
You can choose anyone to send your candy cane, beginning from the
elementary school and ending up with teachers.
The sale was provided during the
lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 18 and 19. Delivery was on Friday on the
Festivus day at school.
No matter if it is an expensive present, or just a candy cane, the main idea
is your attention. Merry Christmas to everybody!
By Allie K.
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