Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chopping the Christmas Tree by Leon Ochs

Chopping the Christmas Tree

            The classic tradition of the Christmas tree has, once again, come to Mission High School. With it, comes a prickly, sparse, and quite unmanageable tree. Though, hopefully someone appreciates it because it’s still a decent tree and this place could use some Christmas spirit.
            Jarred, Brandon, and I set out on December 9th to fetch a Christmas tree to place in the middle of the Commons. We thought about buying one, but why spend our valuable Student Council money on something we can cut down in my yard? Realizing this, we set off at 11:00 AM to travel to my house, which is located far up St. Mary’s Lake Road, to cut a tree down.
            Once we got there we were faced with many trees, but all of them were very sparse and not the best tree for the situation. Though, we managed to locate an okay Engelmann Spruce (Picea Engelmanii) tree after trudging through the snow for about thirty minutes.   
            Quickly, we pulled out the axe and saw and began hacking away so we could leave the cold as soon as possible. Then we proceeded to load the cut tree precariously into the back of Brandon’s truck and drive it back to the school.
            A little later, we received a tree stand from Brenda and tried to set the huge tree up. Not realizing beforehand that we cut an 18 ft. tree, we were forced to re-cut it in the Commons. After an hour of struggle, we managed to set it up to a point where it was presentable. Even though it’s still sparse and kind of ugly, it took some work to get there so hopefully someone will appreciate it enough to bring some ornaments. For I do believe our tree can be a beautiful one, with a truck load of ornaments and lights!
-          Leon Ochs

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