Friday, December 6, 2013

15,000 Troops to Stay in Afghanistan by Leon Ochs

15,000 Troops to Stay in Afghanistan

A document found and released by NBC news states that over 15,000 troops will remain in Afghanistan until 2024 ‘and beyond.’ The war in Afghanistan is already America’s longest fought war, and is going to wage even longer with this new bill.
            The 25-page Security and Defense Cooperation Agreement between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, explains how U.S. soldiers will remain in a seemingly indefinite war against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Also, Afghani security will be trained at pre-existing bases by American troops in order to retaliate against the Taliban in case of any threat or emergency.
            We will not only keep troops overseas, but will also supply the Afghani Security Personnel with weapons and provisions, starting when the bill goes into action on January 1st, 2015. All of this will not come for free, and the whole operation is going to cost the American taxpayer tens of billions of dollars in the next decade (The Boston Globe, November 22, 2013).
            The plan is for our military presence to assist Afghanistan in recovering from war, as reporter James Nye says, “U.S and Afghan officials believe the presence of American troops in the country will help the government establish itself in the long term and reduce the chance of the country slipping back into civil war” (The Boston Globe, November 22, 2013). Are we really helping? Or just causing more tension by budging into another country’s space?
            The document was mentioned by a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council. They did not comment on the draft version of the agreement, but said that 'the President is still reviewing options from his national security team and has not made a decision about a possible U.S. presence after 2014’ (The Boston Globe, November 22, 2013).

-          By Leon Ochs

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