Friday, January 17, 2014

Saying Goodbye by Dominik Stallings


On Friday, Dec. 6th , our English student teacher, Mr. Jenkins, left our school since the university semester was over. He left us since he wanted to become a librarian. For that he had to gain some experience in a real high school and he chose our school. So, to gain some experience he observed some high school classes. He did that for the first whole semester of 2013. He got to help the teachers by letting the students fill out quizzes and supervising them.
He also told a lot about his high school times and also his middle school. He used to go to a school that was even smaller than the St. Ignatius schools. He had trouble with bullying in high school but as he got into college he had a blast. He went to Cornell and then to the University of Montana.
He told us all about what kind of classes he went to and what he got to study, his favorite part was the anime club though, since he could hang out with all of his friends there. I think Mr. Jenkins really liked it at our school since he was so surprised that there was pretty much no bullying going on, everyone kind of knows each other, and it is a small town. A lot of kids liked Jenkins because his style was so unique. He was fun to be around and also had a hilarious laugh, which everybody enjoyed hearing every now and then.
But he is done now and is probably continuing to study at the university. Mr. Jenkins was overall a very interesting character and he will be missed at school.
By Dominik Stallings

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