Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What MBI is All About by Cierra Dougherty

What MBI is All About

At Mission High School, we have quite a few clubs, like SSC, FCCLA, and SOAR. But, one club that sticks out in the high school is MBI.
MBI is a student-led group that was put together last year by Mr. Ferris, Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. Keast, and Mr. Sargent.  MBI stands for Mission Bulldog Initiative and it also means Montana Behavioral Initiative. The teachers and principal thought this group would be a great way to get the students involved in school-wide activities and to make our school a better place to be.
In the MBI group, there are eight students: Steven Bravo, Emilio Bravo, Daisie VandenBos, Hannah Vaughn, Raymond Matt, Will Powell, Nyqolas Gillingham, and Courtney Heath. These students were picked by the teachers who set up MBI. They were chosen to be in MBI because they want kids in different areas to get different opinions on where our school is, and seniors cannot be chosen. Seniors cannot be chosen because they will no be around to experience the changes the school has made.
The students in the MBI group made goals of this year to have more activities to get more high schoolers to participate. Not only did they accomplish getting more kids to participate in their activities, like the obstacle course that they have set up, but they have raised school pride. MBI wanted know what the school pride level was throughout the school, so they took a poll asking the students what they thought the pride was on a level of 1-10. Based on their previous poll, school pride used to be on a level base of a four or a five, but now it’s almost up to an eight.
            Their next accomplishment is to try to fix our school lockers. The school lockers are ancient, different colors, and breaking down. The MBI student group is going to try to fix that by repairing and repainting them so they are good and new again.
Thanks to our MBI student group, led by Mr. Ferris, Mrs. Keast, Mrs. Ferris, and Mr. Sargeant, our school has gotten better and is still improving.
“I think MBI is really fun and it’s pretty cool.” –Steven Bravo
By Cierra Dougherty

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