Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Sound Of No Bells by Briar Ahlborn

The Sound Of No Bells

            Being part of a school you always just assume you will hear a certain ringing at the end of class. That ring represents a kind of freedom to the students, gives us students something to look forward to the second we walk into the school, a better reason to watch the clock for. The bell was like a key that unlocked us to the hallways and, sooner or later, the doors to the world. Even teachers obey the sound of a bell, to release them to home. It unlocks them from teacher world, setting them free to go home, do what they enjoy and then return to the world of bells every hour.
            The school administrator made the suggestion for no bells, And I strongly disagree. No bells are a ridiculous idea and shouldn’t even be considered for any school. Let’s say you think you are running late to a class and aren’t one hundred percent aware of what time school officially starts or a class and, in this incidence, your last hope of knowing is the sound of the bell. You are working out of class, say in your school commons area to focus, or in the hallway with no clocks while listening to music as allowed by certain teachers. You’re really focused on your work and wearing headphones you wouldn’t have to worry, just listen for the high pitch blare of the class bell dismissing you to your next class.
With no bells you lose track of time and end up late, with nobody to ask about the time. With no bells you are in a constant argument with teachers or other students about what time the class ended. You are hovering by the door with the rest of the crowd because you’re not sure if the clock in your classroom is accurate. Better to be early than late, but if we had bells all we have to do is sit in class, still hard at work and wait for the bells to dismiss you. Otherwise you’re stuck wasting your time at the doorway with every other classmate eager to leave to the next hour.
Having bells saves you time, all the time you spent standing at the door waiting for the teacher to dismiss you, you could have been using that same time dedicated to your homework or extra class work.
These are just the few problems with having no bells in a high school. The benefit of having bells is much higher than no bells at all. If you want to complicate your school, take the bells away. No bells are a waste of time and should not be recommended for any high school.

By Briar Ahlborn

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