Thursday, October 10, 2013

Working on, Work on Work by Dominik Stallings


            This is the first year that we have WoW, we have it twice a quarter. It is a very helpful day that lets us work on missing assignments. Every time we have a WoW day we have to go to an assembly. Our first assembly was about Crossing the Line, which covered a lot about bullying, our future and more important messages.
            After the assembly is over we have about one and a half hours to print our missing assignment report and see our teachers. It helps us improve our grades and work harder about every assignment we get, since you get free time if you are not missing anything. That could be a great motivation for the students who are forgetful or want more free time.
If we had more days like these, or time in school where we could work on missing work, students grades would probably improve a lot. Teachers should be a bit more helpful in my opinion, though. Teachers who are too strict might not have as many students with such bad grades.          
 But WoW days are a good start on a school with a better reputation about how the students work.

By Dominik Stallings

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